
Bassleer - Garnelaxia
Microbe Lift - Garnelaxia
ADA - Garnelaxia
Aqua Rebell - Garnelaxia
- Garnelaxia
Fissidens Vietnam b scaled - Garnelaxia

Incredibly diverse: the mosses

Mosses not only boast an overwhelmingly high diversity of species, but they can also be used in a variety of ways.

Many types of moss grow on stones and roots, giving the aquarium or aquascape a rustic and natural character.

For most mosses, we recommend cutting them into many small pieces before gluing (or tying) them. Don’t worry, this won’t damage the plants.

The big advantage of this method is that the moss pads grow much more beautifully and compactly.

If a moss pad attached to hardscape becomes too thick, it should be cut in good time, otherwise the lower layers risk dying, causing the moss to detach from the hardscape.

In addition to the visual appeal, the fine moss cushions offer optimal retreat opportunities and food supply from microorganisms for young fish and baby shrimp.

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Gruppe 932 - Garnelaxia