Floating plants

Bassleer - Garnelaxia
Microbe Lift - Garnelaxia
ADA - Garnelaxia
Aqua Rebell - Garnelaxia
- Garnelaxia
Schwimmfarn scaled - Garnelaxia

Offering protection and shade: the floating plants

Many fish only feel comfortable when it is not too bright in the aquarium.

Some species, such as various labyrinth fish, need floating plants to anchor their bubble nests.

The fine roots of the plants offer young fish the necessary protection.

Floating plants are known for growing quickly and extracting a lot of pollutants from the water.

But be careful, too many floating plants take away the light from other aquatic plants.

If the entire water surface is overgrown, the floating plants can, in the worst case scenario, suffocate the aquarium.

We therefore recommend allowing a maximum of 50% of the water surface to grow over.

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Gruppe 932 - Garnelaxia