Bassleer - Garnelaxia
Microbe Lift - Garnelaxia
ADA - Garnelaxia
Aqua Rebell - Garnelaxia
- Garnelaxia
- Garnelaxia

Tall background performers: the background plants

Most background plants are so-called stem plants.

They are usually planted behind the hardscape so that they can grow to the surface in a short time given the right conditions due to their rapid growth.

Once the plants have reached the surface, you can simply trim them back with suitable aquascaping scissors.

If you want to achieve a more delicate and finely branched look, leave the cut shoots in the ground. These will sprout again in a short time.

Another option is to put the heads in place of the cut plants. The advantage: The freshly cut plants look good right from the start.

If you still have some free space, you can propagate the stem plants and achieve even denser bushes by simply using both parts of the pruning.

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Gruppe 932 - Garnelaxia