Bassleer - Garnelaxia
Microbe Lift - Garnelaxia
ADA - Garnelaxia
Aqua Rebell - Garnelaxia
- Garnelaxia
Wurzel Fissidens Vietnam und Buce Red 11 scaled - Garnelaxia

Perched high, but by no means unruly: the epiphytes

Epiphytes include those plants that like to sit at lofty heights and do not like to be planted in the ground.

Many of these plants have a rhizome, a horizontally growing “stem”, which quickly begins to rot in the soil.

Hardscape covered with plants gives the aquarium a special charm and looks extremely natural.

It is best to glue or tie the plants to stones or roots or to wedge the thick rhizomes into the niches between hardscape elements.

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Gruppe 932 - Garnelaxia