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Natural Gravel River 1-2mm

Scapers & Breeders

Beautiful natural aquariums can be set up with the Scapers & Breeders Natural Gravel River.


Includes 20% MwSt.

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  • waterneutral
  • also suitable for sensitive shrimp
  • medium fine grain

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Pfad 47 - Garnelaxia Delivery in a few working days
Pfad 48 - Garnelaxia Free shipping from €60 across Austria
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Important data

water neutral
Grain size
rinse before using
light brown
quartz gravel

Product description & details

Our Scapers & Breeders Natural Gravel River brightens up the aquarium beautifully with its light brown color and gives every aquarium a great airiness. Due to its natural appearance, the natural gravel scores particularly well in natural aquariums and shines especially in combination with a coarser substrate such as the Natural Gravel River 5-8mm and a finer substrate such as the Natural Sand Sahara. In this way, river beds, for example, can be easily recreated. The Natural Gravel river is absolutely water-neutral and can be used without hesitation for dwarf shrimp such as Neocaridina or tiger shrimp. However, caution is advised with bottom-burrowing fish as the gravel may be too sharp.

Grain size: 1-2mm

Available sizes: 2kg, 5kg, 10kg

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Gruppe 932 - Garnelaxia


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